Teri, Robin and little Edie – E-Session

We had a fun little afternoon yesterday with the gang for Teri and Robins engagement session.  You may recall a session last year when Teri was still pregnant with little Edie.  Well she is a little girl now, full of smiles, crackers and a ribbon that my wife is going to buy for sure for our next little munchkin.

I think I’ve known Teri for over ten years now, going back to our days in Fort McMurray and although we don’t see each other often she is truly one of those people that you can pick up where you left off, even if it’s a year later.  She’s a great laugher and after getting to know Robin I think they are the perfect match.  They love to smile and love to have fun.  It’s truly contagious and I’m so pleased to know them.  I can’t wait for your wedding in St. Paul this summer and thanks for bringing Edie out to play.

See you soon,
