Art Gallery Wedding – Matrix Hotel Wedding – Laura and Adam Teaser

I want to start out and thank Laura and Adam for such a wonderful day and a special thank you for being so patient with me on their wedding. This was my first wedding post ankle surgery and as much as I wanted to be hopping and running around I just didn’t have my normal pace!lol You two were so wonderful and patient with me and I truly appreciate it. I also want to give a huge thanks to the uber-talented Kelsy Nielson for whom saved my bacon and helped Jesse and I out for part of the day when she had her own family plans. It’s so great to know that all of our brides and grooms are safe in knowing that us photographers are there for each other and we’ll do our best to never let you down.

It was so great to finally shoot at the Art Gallery and sadly this was my first time in the doors and it won’t be my last. The fact that they have a huge Looney Tunes exhibit i all I need to get m back down there. I’ll tease you all with some of our great shots and memories from the day!
