After such exhausting travel, I won’t kid you it was really exhausting travel through Eastern Europe it was so refreshing to land in Slovenia. We had no agenda when we arrived at the train station in Ljubljana except that we had about three days before we hopped on another train and to meet our German friends in Austria. So when we arrived we considered staying a night and then heading for Predjama Castle and maybe stay out that way. That was the plan, until we settled in to our apartment and saw some of the old town. I have to say after so many weeks in tight quarters with the entire family battling for space it was so refreshing to stay at Petra’s apartment, if you are in Ljubljana then this is the perfect space to stay. We learned the very hard way that in order to make the most and enjoy our trip we needed to let everyone have a bed and having a kitchen with one of the best kitchen faucet around, makes it enjoyable and adds a bit of home, routine and allows you to get the kids back on a schedule. Ask me about my thoughts on children schedules before I had kids and now after I’ve had them. I remember Colleen and I saying that we’ll try and do our own thing and the kids will adapt, HA. They will adapt, but it’s hard on them, which is harder on you, and it makes them cranky and you crazy. This whole trip we’re making them adapt every day so the least we can do is try our best to give them some comforts of home.
Ljubljana was simply beautiful. Our entire experience there was near perfect but here was of course some factors that contributed to our experience, a nice place to stay, 20+ degree weather everyday and just the energy that a city with so many students can bring. Over 35 000 students in a city less than 300K makes for a great vibe on a sunny day. The river is lined with cafes, restaurants and shops and it’s so wonderful walking by, smelling the foods and coffee’s while listing to liv music, it’s truly European.
We truly kept our trip there simple, walking the river, a trip to the castle and just picnicking, playing in parks and people/duck watching. So aside from walking across the dragon bridge and all the great pedestrian bridges and of course letting Wynter dance and play in the squares we just soaked it up. People reading this are probably saying, three days, and all you did was soak it up? Yep, we spent three days and just soaked it up.haha After four weeks of running from trains, bundling up kids, waking up in the middle of the night and climbing stairs of castles, re-packing bags on a daily basis and trying to re-potty train our daughter we thought it was time for a break. Trust me , we needed it!
I did take a few evenings to meet with some Slovenian models and do a shoot. One thing I like to do while abroad is set up shoots. Not only is nice to meet and work with new models it also gives me a chance to see some more of the city, and try a few things that I normally wouldn’t.
If you’d also like to check out a few model sessions with Sanja and Teja from my stay in Ljubljana you can find them on these links here at the site:
Enjoy the shots and I’ll catch up with you with some images and stories from Austria and Germany!

The Nash Family

Here is a few samples from the sessions with Teja and Sanja:

Backpacking through Europe with Children from Carey Nash on Vimeo.
A two month trip with two children as we backpacked through Eastern and Western Europe.