I really wanted to share these images with everyone before the summer workload got out of control. As many of you know from my previous posts that I recently returned from two weeks of work and play in Peru. This was my second trip there and it was equally as exciting as the first. On this journey I had the extreme pleasure to volunteer with PLAN, see my good friend Marita with her baby on the way and visit the Amazon and the Tahuayo Lodge and even an added bonus when I photographed world famous artist Victor Delfin. All these were adventures were ones that I will not soon forget.
I can only repeat that it was an incredible few weeks and I highly recommend that others visit Peru. It is truly one of the most diverse countries in the world as one day you can be in the high andes, the next in a desert and the next in the Amazon, it’s so awesome. I tried to add a quick caption with each photo describing a little of what you are seeing but if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask, or comment and I’ll do my best to answer any that you have.
Please enjoy the artwork and video below and if you are interested in purchasing any of the images just go to the link below. Everything is specially priced for a limited time.
These buses will always be what I most remember about Iquitos
Preparing lunch on the amazon river
preparing yuca for their meal
The special section of the Belen Market. Selling elixirs to idiots! Every stall tried to sell me their homemade version of Viagra. I kept saying thanks, I have two kids so the last thing I want is Viagra but I’d ask if they have any homemade condoms.
I thought it strange to sell python skins and hair tonic side by side.
canoeing through the canopy! The Amazon is so beautiful!
Standing in the 18 yard box in the Chino Village.
Kids fishing on the soccer field in Chino
the bus from the aeropuerto to Belen to Nanay
preparing for her day
Near the chino village
The Chino village which flooded this year. Typically the village has land even though the water rises. Here the man is canoeing over the soccer field.
I got bit by this or another spider just like it. I know have super powers and a scar.
as we approached another village, and by approached I mean we floated there because we ran out of fuel hour earlier.
the simple life. How I envy the lifestyle many days
the backside of the Tahuayo Lodge on the amazon
daily errands on the amazon
The local school children in Chino
This is a rescued monkey from Belen that lives near the village of chino. This shot always reminds of the ape scene from Hilarious House of Frightenstein. I expect him to take a golf ball in the forehead at any moment!
Home near the village of Chino – Iquitos
a local store in Chino
The children in class – Chino Amazon
The proud teacher at the school He was a very nice man!
one of the students giving us a big smile
lunch is served! Amazon river fish
Piranha 2d – Amazonia Expeditions
Iquitos at night
Street race scene from Iquitos
Life on the Amazon
Belen – An amazing life here. No running water, yet power lines everywhere hanging from floating home to floating home.
Fresh Meat market in Belen. I won’t lie, it made you reconsider ordering any meat at any restaurant. Mind you after some other countries I’ve been too this wasn’t so bad.
collectivo’s again, and behind it the famous Eiffel iron building ( same dude which brought us all the eiffel tower)
like many abandoned warehouses.
local man in the village of Chino – these homes sit on the water nearly all year, and settle when the river lowers.
preparing lunch in Belen. What an amazing lifestyle. Can you imagine living on water?
My brother in law Mitch and I hiring a boat driver to show us Belen. minutes later, Mitch’s camera went missing…we should have paid more for the boat ride!
little girl in Iquitos
I love this shot!
local produce at the Belen market. I have never tried those pods before…they always looked like monster peas to me.
Iquitos and it’s lifeline, the moto-taxi
at the butterfly farm..home of mosquitos, more mosquitos and a crazy red facd monkey that scared the shit out of us!
went for drinks and then took a few shots…this is how I saw Iqiutos that night!lol