Backpacking with Children – Travel Video of Europe

Backpacking through Europe with Children from Carey Nash on Vimeo.

A two month trip with two children as we backpacked through Eastern and Western Europe.

As I prepare to leave for South America in a few days I had time to compose some video clips of our family trip to Eastern and Western Europe. I haven’t worked with video is some time so this trip was a great chance to kick the dust off, work on some footage and see what works and what doesn’t. I learned an awful lot about what doesn’t work and it reminded me that you can’t just take video and hope the story works out, you have to have a vision of what you want in mind and then follow the story.

This video is just a taste of our family vacation and has just a few clips from our two month trip but they really help tell the story of our time away. We were so incredibly fortunate to visit these countries and I really think having some moving images helps translate the beauty which we saw.

I hope you enjoy the video and I’ll be sure to take some more in South America this week.