I am honoured and humbled to have placed 2nd overall in Canada from the Professional Wedding Photographers of Canada for 2013. Four times a year the PWPC offers competitions where we photographers submit our work and see how we fare against our peers and at the year end they announce the results. With the help of some amazing clients and being personally pushed by my fellow artists I tried extremely hard this year and I’m proud of what we accomplished. Many of these other photographers are close friends and I’m just so pleased to be mentioned alongside them including my great friend Kelly Redinger, Fran Chelico , Abby and Dave and of course Erika And Lanny who continue to impress. We all offer a different style and approaches and it’s exciting to see what we all create each year!
A huge thanks goes out to the PWPC and their admin for curating these awards and be sure to check out the complete list of 2013 winners here: