I don’t travel to take photos , I take photos when I travel
– Carey Nash

If you missed the first four entires of my trip to Africa please click here for the first :
African Adventure Blog Post #1
and here for number two:
African Adventure Blog Post #2
and here for number three:
African Adventure Blog Post #3
and here for number four:
African Adventure Blog Post #4
This will be the second to last blog post from my trip to Africa this summer. My trip through Ethiopia was such a wonderful experience and it more than offered me a chance to see a new place again but a chance to explore my craft and it reminded me of the wonderful home I have and my amazing family that supports my dreams.
It is a fantastic feeling to go through these images and share them with everyone and I hope you all enjoyed traveling with me. Enjoy the images and please feel free to say hello anytime.
Have an amazing summer,

A full family in the south Omo

As we were driving along a river bed I stepped out of the truck and this woman came to visit with me. She was busy preparing the field for the upcoming rainy season.

Two young Hamer boys near their home in the background.

At the Hamer market in Turmi. These young woman wait for family before walking back home.

The silhouette of a village man in Omorate near the Omo River and South Sudan

The most amazing view from the guesthouse in the Tigray mountains. Can you believe how beautiful this is?

In the Dorze village these young boys followed me around as I ventured though. I love this shot as it reminds me of a rock bacd cover image.

Outside of Arba Minch in Lake Chamo. You can find Crocodiles and these awesome Hippos!

Getting ready for dinner in the Mursi Village.

Life in the Hamer market in Turmi.

This majestic woman of the Hamer. This was the most amazing trip!

Another young boy stands outside his hut.

Spending some time while this boys mother prepares some food for me.

A woman in her village near Konto in south Omo.

Two young woman pose with big smiles for me.

A young girl and her bother in the Dorze village.

At the tail end of a three hike in the Tigray mountains this woman passes us in the hot sun.

A market I stumbled upon a few hours outside of Bahir Dar. Thousands of people selling their goods.

My guide on Lake Chamo.

This woman walks to her village int he far top left in Omorate. Such extreme conditions and weather down here.

The meal everyday while I was in Ethiopia. The fasting food Injera is this sour dough type of flat bread covered in a variety of pastes, beans and vegetables.