I don’t travel to take photos , I take photos when I travel
– Carey Nash

If you missed the first three entires of my trip to Africa please click here for the first :
African Adventure Blog Post #1

and here for number two:
African Adventure Blog Post #2

and here for number three:
African Adventure Blog Post #3

Please enjoy the 4th blog post from my trip to Africa. I have had a busy few weeks since returning from Africa and each time I go through the images I’m still so happy with my experience and I’m loving reliving the moments. I’ll let the images from this post do the talking and please feel free to check out the earlier posts.

Have an amazing week-end and as I have mentioned before I’ll soon have a complete gallery available where you can purchase prints and pre-order the coffee table album from this trip to Africa. In the meantime simply contact me with any questions on acquiring artwork.

An amazing sunset outside the town of Lalibela

I slept outside the Dorze Village and met these woman in the early morning hours.

A fisherman on Lake Chamo outside of Arba Minch

This man came to see his grandchildren one evening in the Tigray.  You can just make out my guesthouse in the background.

The Market goods

One of the best surprises on this trip was hiking opposite this endless trail of people walking to a market as I was heading towards the famous Blue Nile falls.

This very kinds lady offered me false banana ( an extremely popular food) in the huge market of Addis.

It’s not much to look at but this was one of the best rooms I stayed in during the trip.  It may sound silly to many but this was a very important reason I traveled back.   I wanted to remind myself and appreciate the comforts in my own life as many many people don’t have even a simply home like this to live in.

A beautiful young girl.  I didn’t take very many close up portraits on this trip but this young girl had so much spirit and amazing and happy eyes.

Some young boys of the Dorze village.

Some young boys in the Omo.

As we were spending some time in a hut of a Hamer family this young guy peeks in to see.

Shortly after sunrise in the Tigray.  This amazing man was one of the hosts from the guesthouse.

People leave a rock-hewn church after prayer.

A Mursi man in his village outside of Jinka.

Taking a few minutes to stretch our legs on the way to the Omo valley we met and laughed with these people.  We were treated with such amazing smiles!

A woman who was praying at the Asheton Maryam monastery atop of Lalibela.

Near dusk in Lalibela this man was back from the market grounds.

A couple of cute kids from a village near my guesthouse.   I absolutely love her hand on his shoulder.