I have just returned home from a few more weeks on the road so I wanted to make sure I start getting some new blog entries from the past five months out there for people to see. This wedding was from a beautiful few days in Banff, Canada a few months ago. Diana is from Winnipeg, Manitoba and Andrew is originally from the East Coast of the USA and they met along with many family and friends from all over North America in one of Canada’s most beautiful locations, the Banff Springs Hotel. I myself was born in Northern Manitoba and I later found out that Diana worked with my mothers longest best friends. It’s a small world and we both only found out after the wedding was set, so this made the day even more special to me.

I can’t thank these two enough for having so much fun with me and braving the chilly mountain air for some of these images. Also I wanted to thank Julie from Rocky Mountain Weddings for the incredible work she did as the the wedding looked amazing. Also I could not have done this without the incredible photography skills of Abby Taylor of AbbyplusDave who was so much fun to work with.
Please sit back and enjoy some of this wonderful wedding!