About three years ago this time a really crappy thing happend to me. During a soccer match I was slide tackled and left the game that night with a broken ankle and on my way to a long and painful shooting summer with my new cyborg ankle. Stomping around with my Robocop air-boot new metal hardware I could not see too many silver linings that come with the package but I would later find some. One of which was meeting Tiffanie. Tiffanie was my physio-therapist and although I cursed her name a few times when I was learning to run again she was an amazing person who truly expedited my recovery. It’s crazy to think that one day your limping into the clinic and three years later your shooting someones wedding, but that’s where I was a few weeks ago.
Tiffanie and her fiance’ Chris are such a nice and cute couple and made our job so easy. They laugh a lot, kiss a lot and their intimate wedding was a pleasure to be a part of and I couldn’t be happier to have broken a leg years ago, it’s one of those crazy things in life that remind you that everything has a silver lining. I hope I was able to capture your day as you wished it would be and thanks so much for everything!